You are The One you have been waiting for.
You are The One ALL of your relationships have been waiting for.
You are The One that special someone is ready to welcome into their life.
All great relationships start here:
inside of you.
And I had to learn this for myself...allow me to take you on my journey...

I am deeply, profoundly, ineffably in love with my man and our relationship.
This relationship is BEYOND my dreams. It is deeper and broader than anything I ever thought possible. It is ineffable.
Every day we choose each other, every day we co-create even more amazing, together.
We met November 2, 2018...

6 Module Course
Videos & Experiments
24/7 Lifetime Access
+All Future Updates!

Rising With Love Events
Special invitations to:
live workshops,
in person events
& retreats.

2018 Pricing!
This work has changed so many lives and now it is time for it to spread [love] like a wildfire and benefit even more people!

has been the key that changed
so many lives, it can change yours...
Take a moment and notice how you feel right now.
~ If you feel called to this, if you feel something inside of you leaning into this, desiring this, lighting up from this…then know you get to choose what is right for you.
~ You get to be supported in your relationships and the magic of who you are to create those relationships. You get to create the relationships and life you desire. You get to breathe easier and feel more expansion in your life.
~ You get TO! Now, are you ready to?
Great! Let’s do the details.
- When you enroll, you will be prompted to set up a username and password (or login if you already have Ecstatic Collective courses).
- Your login details will also be emailed to you.
- Login to the course portal at: ecstaticcollective.com/login
- You get to stay engaged - in our online community plus connect with us on Social Media. All those links are available to you in the online course portal.

What is the value of YOU being The One for YOU?
What does being The One for all of your relationships do for your relationships?
For your life?
Your goals?
Your dreams?
What is the value of upleveling YOU for your life?

The value of the content of THE ONE::EXPERIMENT is priceless.
My life is an expression of learning to be The One - that is priceless!
I believe in and know the power of this work. And I am taking divinely guided action to do somethings I've never done before in business:
1. You get lifetime access WITH all future updates (at no additional cost) AND...
2. When Rising With Love::Oneness opens for enrollment, you receive a credit for The One: Experiment towards Rising With Love: Oneness (in the form of a discount code emailed to you).
It is a win-win-win.
Your current self wins, your future self wins, the people around you win, all of your relationships win, the world wins.
We need even more powerful individuals and relationships to show the world what is possible when we are The One.

Allow your Inner Voice or your body to be your guide as you decide this is right for you.
Leaning in!
You are invited to click on the "enroll now" button [in white, below] to enroll.
Then you will be prompted to create your username and password (or login if you already have one).
Check your inbox upon enrollment!
I’m so excited for you to choose you & the infinite positive impact this decision has on your life, relationships, and the world!
[Click on the image above!]

How does this journey flow?
What can I expect from this program?
Can you guarantee specific results?
I'm already in a relationship, is this for me?
I'm not looking for a relationship, is this for me?

Jessie Sarah
"How many coaches I had to go through - you can put them all together and they still don’t equal Dalai Grace!"

Hi beautiful human! I’m Dalai Grace (aka Dena) and I love to help people. I love to help people choose themselves so they can get out of their own way. I love to help people figure out what they want in life and go get it. I love to help people clean up their past so they can have the life they’ve always desired. I love to help people level up inside and out!
My love of helping people and working with people started early. I took my first social-emotional training at age 7. That started years of training in conflict management and mediation, leadership, communication, facilitation, and more – all before graduating high school.
By 15, I was already teaching personal development courses and planning events and experiences. My trajectory and training continued throughout my education (including 2 masters degrees) and a 17-year career (that I loved).
People love me. I’ve been a leader, facilitator, teacher, mentor, and coach my entire life. I make things easy to learn and digest. I bring play and fun to the table. I’m a great speaker - I’m fun to listen to AND I’m engaging. I’m vulnerable and authentic. I give people their power back. Yes, I’m tooting my horn here because I know what I have to offer and it is all damn good. This is me choosing to shine the light I am!
That’s why I am here. One of my mentors recognized the magic I have working with all types and styles of people. She saw how I led and mentored 85 staff and she experienced my coaching firsthand. And she gave me the nudge to go out on my own - to leave my 17-year career - for something even better. She saw the light in me and said the world needs me to share my true gifts.
So in 2016, I did it - I chose me and my gifts.
Here I am - sharing my gifts with people like you and helping people transform their lives and consciousness (are you one of them?). And I love every minute of it! I love mentoring and coaching my clients. I love training and certifying other incredible coaches. I love sharing spiritual teachings. I love contributing to YOU choosing you and your expansion!
I love my work and I love my beautiful life.
My life wasn’t always as magnificent as it is now. I came from a lower middle class family and was left to fend for myself from an early age. I’ve been financially responsible since age 15. Nothing was handed to me, but I was determined and I worked my a$$ off to create the life I always dreamed of - and that dream is now my beautiful reality.
I dug deep and did my inner work (and I still do it in incredibly intentional ways and with lots of altered states of consciousness).
My beautiful reality is the outer expression of my inner self and it all started with choosing me and my single experiment to be The One.
And this is what I love to help others do…to align the inner and the outer. To help people create congruency. I work magic WITH you.
Now, my lifetime of training and experience allows me to help you choose you so you can design, create, and live YOUR ecstatic life.
Welcome to me. Dalai Grace (Dena), Minister of Magic, at your service.