Say goodbye to the Ghosts of the Past and say hello to your Ecstatic Future.


RECLAMATION is a POWERFUL, engaging, transformative 2-day weekend workshop that one participant described as "This. Changes. Everything."


• Anchors You in the Present
• Supports You in Reclaiming your Power from the Past
• Orients You Towards the Future You Desire
• And Empowers us as the Creators we are.

RECLAMATION changes our orientation towards our Self, our relationships, and life - including how we create our future.  Literally, it changes everything in amazing and powerful ways.

And that is an understatement.

In addition, this transformative workshop:

  • Expands your thinking
  • Gives you an incredible toolkit to work with your mind (and your desires)
  • Illuminates the Structure of STUCK
  • Reorients you TOWARDS your desires and future
  • And sets you on course for CREATING next level magic in ALL areas of your life

This is NOT your typical personal development workshop.

Coming out of RECLAMATION is like coming out of a deep sleep filled with vivid dreams. 

Those dreams where you get to walk away with feelings of clarity and conviction for what is next.

Most of us were never really taught about our true power, how to live from our heart, or how to truly create. 

Many of us have learned some along the way, yet there may be gaps, inefficiencies, frustrations…many of us experience success in some areas of our lives yet struggle in others. 

Many of us experience feeling STUCK and try endlessly to get out of the stuckness, maybe making a bit of progress only to end up back in it again.

Most of us are fed up with patterns on repeat that do NOT produce the desired outcomes…and are still trying to “solve” our “problems.”

So many of us have participated in self-development and growth.  Yet, still we wonder:

“What is the one thing that will actually change everything in even more easeful ways?”



E  V  E  R  Y  T  H  I  N  G

You haven’t participated in a workshop like this…yet.

Say goodbye to the Ghosts of the Past and say hello to your Ecstatic Future.


Join us as we RECLAIM our infinite Power and orient our Selves towards the future coming at us - with clarity, conviction, and community.

 Interested?  Wonderful!



Live and IN PERSON

Next up:  Denver, CO

Saturday, April 19 &  Sunday, April 20

Arrive by 11:45am each morning
Saturday evening POTLUCK & connect!
Sunday depart 630pm-ish

Space is limited.

Registration is required in order to attend.
(Form at bottom of page)


Other Upcoming Dates & Locations 

Berkeley, CA
April 2025

San Rafael, CA
May 3+4, 2025

Registration is open for all these events - bottom of this page!

• Coming Soon:
San Rafael, CA
Chicago, IL


"If you’re looking to get unstuck, start the thing, unshelf the dream, or move past your past — this is for you!  I feel huge shifts inside and the internal motivation afterwards is super high!...
Then I participated again and WOW!
The second time is an exponential positive impact in my life and what I am creating!"

Leah D



Wherever you are in your life and/or on your path, welcome.


  • This is a GENERATIVE environment.  When we GIVE to others, we are automagically giving to ourselves.
  • A GENERATIVE environment contributes to the rising up of all.
    • PRESENCE: Participants hold an awareness that their presence serves others, their sharing serves others, their attention and energy serves others, etc.
    • SERVICE: Come with the intention to be served AND to serve others.  To Give & Receive.
    • SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Taking care of our "little self" and our Self - this means owning what is inside of us as well as caring for our body, our behavior, and our physical things at the event location and in our hosts' home.
      • Be the guest that ALWAYS gets invited back.  Engage with the attitude of "leaving EVERYTHING and everyone even better than you found it".


The heartbeat of this work is Community.

...another way to SERVE this event and others is by bringing friends and/or inviting other people to attend RECLAMATION.


 This event is about serving you and giving you life changing information and strategies that work - WHEN YOU work them.

We want this information to change YOUR life and the lives of those you love.  We believe everyone deserves to learn this.

So here is our INTENTION: to serve you powerfully.

And we invite you to rise up inside of yourself to serve yourself powerfully.

We can tell you this: the true value you receive is up to you.  You "get out" what you "put in".

With that, what is the amount you would invest in this workshop in order to create the change you desire in your life?

Hold that in mind...

We use a different "payment" model: you register, you attend and participate full out as we serve you powerfully and we give you life changing information, which you receive and THEN we invite you to GIVE a monetary contribution that represents the value you receive from this workshop at the level that you have the means to give.

This information changes people's lives for the better - in every area of life.  What is that worth, to you?

Come, join us, invest your time, energy, attention, and presence.  Open your heart and receive, holding the intention of VALUE - then give in the energy exchange with your monetary contribution.

What have you got to lose? (Only your problems, struggle, challenge, hard, patterns that you want out of, being stuck...)

You only have EVERYTHING to gain.

We call this model Win-Win-Win.


Please note, this does NOT make the workshop "FREE."  This payment model will likely challenge you to be authentic and real with YOURSELF about how you show up for yourself, how you show up for others, where you "take" in life and where you "give."

That internal challenge is a specific example of what this workshop is about.  So bring everything that comes up for you with this - it is the juice of this workshop - and explore new possibilities for transformation and creation.

And if you are considering not registering because of this model - this workshop is DEFINITELY for you!

We are so looking forward to how you do this.


“Feeling STUCK or looking for new way to feel divinely inspired and empowered? Or just looking to get unstuck!  Then I highly recommend this beautiful two day workshop.

We recently hosted this workshop at our home and watched the miracles unfold as people went through the workshop, expanding their understanding of their own unique path and how to redirect their energies to be even more empowered and creating with greater and greater results!

I personally am feeling much more empowered to receive inner guidance and take action. I can’t imagine anything more valuable in this moment in the world.”

Wahila W



“I highly recommend anyone looking to uplevel their human experience participate in this workshop!
The impact of the content of this workshop is evident is all areas of my life and all my relationships.
RECLAMATION helped me identify areas where I needed to let go of unsupportive mental processes in my life.
This has allowed me to be even more present with mind states that I choose, that are healthy for my growth and development.
Overall, this has led to greater happiness and contentment as well as GREATLY improved relationships with my family and work colleagues."

Sebastian M


Please scroll below to see the Dates + Locations.

To register: complete the form underneath the Date + Location of your chosen RECLAMATION event!

Apr 19 + 20 - Denver, CO


May 3 + 4 - San Rafael, CA



“Definitely not a typical workshop - it will be well worth the time - I know it was for me!”

Liz C

Coming Soon!


Dalai Grace is writing the book and oh how amazing it is!

Make sure you are on the text notifications to receive updates and early access!

TEXT the word RECLAIM to 415-358-8530

(Please note, do NOT send regular text messages to that number - only the one word: RECLAIM)